Thank you for all your support at Serve the Children’s 14th Annual Dinner & Dessert Auction!

On October 7th we raised over $90,000! We are so thankful for your attendance and your giving. Because of your generosity 14 children received sponsorship and many more will be supported through the following kinds of projects:
- Medical supplies for our nurse to treat our children and staff
- School supplies for our children and staff
- Replacement of desks and chairs in our schools
- Equipment for our computer lab
- Tailoring and Nursing Aid Classes – Because of your support we can offer young women vocational training as nursing assistants in a nine-month course or a four month training course in tailoring. These women will have the opportunity to achieve the dream of supporting themselves and their families with a consistent source of income.
- Computer and Small Engine Repair School – In India we are able to offer computer skills to open doors for those students to achieve their dreams. For our more mechanically minded students, we are also able to offer classes for them to learn small engine repair to obtain a sustainable income and financial independence.

Your gifts make it possible for kids in Liberia and India to DREAM and their DREAMS to become a reality. These kids have a HOPE and a FUTURE because of you!
Be sure to mark your calendar for next years event. It will be on October 20th, 2018 at Clover Park Technical College. You can learn more by visiting our
Auction page.