The mission of Serve the Children is to offer hope and a future through God’s love to underserved children and families around the world by meeting their educational, physical and emotional needs.
We cannot ignore the hardships many of us went through this past year, but we also experienced good things. Acts of kindness in the community were uplifting and many families grew through spending more time together. I have heard stories of volunteering, bike rides, dog purchases, hikes, cooking together as a family, and more; enriching times that may not have happened if 2020 had been a “normal” year.
Serve the Children also achieved good things in 2020, in spite of the many challenges, and we are passionate about continuing to give hope and a future to children and families in 2021. Look what we did in 2020 and plan to do in 2021:
Yes, our income was down 26% from 2019 but we continued to serve children and families in Liberia, Zambia and India. Why do people keep giving to STC when there are thousands of great non-profit options in the area? I want to list some of the reasons I have heard.
We have great goals for 2021 and we can achieve them through your continued partnership. Here is what we are planning and how you can get involved:
Mission Teams – We are not sure if we will have teams going overseas in 2021 but we are starting to plan to send teams out. Please contact me by email at if you are interested. We might go to Zambia in May, Liberia in the fall and India in October, depending on travel restrictions and safety concerns. Maybe 2021 is not your year for a trip overseas, but you could help support someone who wants to go but does not have the funds. Trips usually cost around $2,500 each.
Auction – We hope to have a live auction on October 2, 2021 but we will continue to monitor conditions and make that decision later in the year. However, planning starts now! When you see a big sale happening at a store, think about a themed basket or collection you could put together for the silent auction. Game basket, gardening basket, cooking basket, chocolate basket; these are just a few ideas. We can give you more basket ideas!
The STC Board – We are looking for a couple more board members. We have a great board! I got very discouraged at times during 2020 and every time it happened a board member would text, email or call me and tell me everything was going to be alright. Consider joining this amazing and passionate group of volunteers. Contact us if you are interested.
Sustainable Pig Farming in Zambia – We are raising $20,000 to start a pig farm at our Zambia site. They currently have a farm with 7,000 chickens and we want to add pigs. The chickens provide a source of funds for daily operations from the sale of eggs and meat. The farm is worked by the staff and the participants of the successful drug and alcohol rehabilitation program on site. These men learn a trade as they recover from their addiction. The pig farm will raise more funds and provide more training for the program participants. Please consider giving to this project.
Rachel Plus – Rachel Plus is a learning tool we are working toward using to better serve students across the world. It is a computer based educational program with a faux-internet server loaded with information in the selected language and is often delivered with tablets or laptops. We plan to use this at our Zambia school first, then expand it to Liberia and India. Our staff, children and parents will all benefit from this program. Cost is $7,000 per country for two Rachel Plus units and 40 tablets that connect to the Rachel unit without the need for internet access, which can be spotty, nonexistent and unaffordable. This is another great project to consider helping fund.
Thank you for all you have done for Serve the Children, especially in the past difficult year. We appreciate all of you and could not have achieved what we did in 2020 without you. We look forward to a great 2021, basing our faith on the great God we serve, and committing to love with His heart. God bless you.
Dr. Doug Collier