On February 17th the All God’s Children School in Monrovia, Liberia caught fire

  • Entire 3rd floor, including the new computer lab, totally destroyed
  • Water and smoke damage on 1st and 2nd floors in classrooms and offices
  • Building is 4 classrooms short: not enough room for all students to continue classes
  • Over 400 kids with no other school option need a safe place to finish the school year, including seniors studying for their state exams and hoping to graduate

“400 to 500 people from the community gathered and witnessed the fire. Many were crying as they watched a neighborhood fixture and one of the few beacons of hope go up in smoke.  The neighborhood men began fighting the fire as they waited for the fire department. Many of the kids from the school were there and frightened about their future.” –  Steve JonesSTC mission team member, on the ground in Monrovia, Liberia – 2/26/19