The mission of Serve the Children is to offer hope and a future through God’s love to underserved children and families around the world by meeting their educational, physical and emotional needs.
The byproduct of war is the death of dreams for those who are considered collateral damage. Children are often the targets of such hopelessness. Serve the Children has sent a few volunteers into countries where war is a way of life. Most recently, we have sent volunteers into (unnamed), a country where children have been exposed to terrible things; crucifixions, gang rape, assault, threats of harm, and death. They have witnessed the rape and death of their parents and loved ones. They have been forced from their homes under cover of darkness.
Our volunteers are working with these children in a refugee zone to reduce the impact of profound catastrophic trauma by providing counseling and by developing comfort rooms. These rooms are in schools and will allow children to stay as close to their ‘normal’ schedule as possible while securing a physical environment that supports their little bodies’ needs for protection and care. The rooms will have equipment that includes small child size bunk beds, headphones to block out threatening noises, weighted vests, manual dexterity tools to reduce anxiety and therapy tools to help children communicate …when there are no words to describe their horror.
These measures are designed to help each child process their memories, supporting them when their anxiety is overwhelming, and to assist them in creating a place in their heart for their dreams to grow.
Each comfort room costs approximately $2,500 to fully furnish. If you would like to help provide comfort rooms, please note “Comfort Rooms” on your donation.