Why Missions?

I am Angela and I have three young children.  I have always wanted to be a mom and it is an amazing part of who I am.  Every mom has hard days, and on those days, I remind myself that the Lord has called me to be the mom of these specific kids and that it is a job that I alone can do.  I have been so blessed to be able to work part time and stay at home with my kids for their entire lives and would not change this opportunity for the world.  It is a great joy, but I have to be honest; it can be difficult and lonely at times. Sometimes it’s easy for me to forget other passions and desires the Lord has put in my heart.

For many years, one of those passions was to go on a mission trip to Africa, but I was busy being a mom and occupied with other projects, so this longing took a backseat.  Finally, I knew I just had to go. The challenge I faced was that I had two kids at home and my youngest was only two years old. I struggled because I wondered if it was okay to leave my kids and be gone for an extended period of time.  I thought, “What if something happens and I’m not there to help them?”  Yes, it was hard to leave my kids at home and travel across the world. But I believe it was one of the greatest gifts I have given my children.


I believe that Lord gives us all passions, dreams and gifts to be used for His kingdom. It is so easy for the circumstances of life to keep us from pursuing what He has put in our hearts.  I know for me, I wondered if it was okay to want to do other things besides parenting, things that would take me away from my kids for a time.  What I realized was that I can share these gifts, passions and dreams with my children and show them that the world is bigger than the little pocket they live in.  I can be a living example of being obedient to the call Christ has placed on my life. Even though my kids were too young to go with me, they were part of helping me get ready.  We prayed for the kids I would meet and practiced the skits and lessons I would teach the children in Africa.  When we say “yes” to the Lord and allow ourselves to be His hands and feet to the forgotten ones, we can bring our own kids along for the journey. We leave a legacy for our own children and show them that others are more important than ourselves, and I believe I am a better mom because of it.

Do you feel called to go a mission trip?  Yes, it can be more complicated when you have young children and it does take more planning and requires enlisting the help of others.  But you are not only planting seeds of hope in the children and people you will meet; you are planting seeds of giving and love in your own children and family. I plan to go to Zambia and India with Serve the Children in 2019.  Come with me!